
Individual needs are discussed initially to determine what is a priority for the person. A comprehensive assessment is then carried out which incl udes a case history being taken and a combination of formal and informal assessments. Assessment sessions usually take between 60-90 minutes. Following asses sment advice may be given and the need for further speech therapy discussed. Where further therapy is required individual therapy aims are agreed and a plan for therapy set. A full report will be written post assessment.


Individual and practical therapy aims will be devised following assessment and discussion. Therapy sessions usually take up to one hour. Exercises may be given to be carried out between sessions to ensure full potential is gained or maintained. The number and frequency of therapy sessions will be agree d between the individual and the therapist.

All assessment and therapy is carried out in the person's home or other preferred setting e.g. residential home, day centre.

Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC)

The need for alternative and augmentative communication/communication aids is assessed for and advised on as required. This may be in the form of symbols, signing, communication books, or higher tech communication aids or apps. Switch access can also be advised on for accessing communication aids. Fran ces is fully trained in and uses Makaton sign language, Talking Mats and Life Stories.

Contact Me

If you have any queries, would like to make an appointment or just have an informal chat, please do not hesitate to contact me on 07721 658554 or via email on